Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Finding Our Place

Finding Our Place
By Rev. Amari Magdalena

If we are fortunate, in this world, we may find our True North; that place that best suits us.  It may be related to deep DNA, travels, or experiences.  Many of us sample different places seeking to find that special somewhere. 

When I left the desert five years ago, I thought I was complete with what I referred to as the baptism of fire.  Though I’d loved the desert climes since the first tumble weed blew across the Texas Panhandle and Butte came into view, I felt water was calling me.  My astrological chart has strong water, double Scorpio, though modified by Fire & Earth.  I also saw the water issues that I know will come into being.

It appears now that I am sated of water, at least in as much abundance as the Great Pacific Northwest enjoys.  Cactus’ call me to return.  I miss the glory of a blooming desert; the dry air; Roadrunners; other desert animals, and the smell of Sage.  My grandson used to say I smelled like sage. 

As I’ve this month made the definitive decision to return to the desert, a calmness has come over me. It feels like a resurrection of my energies.  I see this as affirmation of correct direction.  I’ve been awaiting that deep inner knowing and the nod, if you will, of Spirit saying, “Now.”

I’ve lived many places.  From the Mid-West to the Southeast, to the West and Southwest; not too much in the middle.  In reviewing my feelings about all of the lands, I kept returning to the Land of Enchantment.  From the first time I encountered New Mexico, I’ve loved it.  It’s not always been an easy love; it has its challenges as with any place, yet I return to the feeling of Madre Tierra and her call to return to the womb.

Places have their individual energies.  Some are magnetic, some electric.  Some are what I call Kodak color and some Fuji color.  I know in my soul; I prefer Fuji Color. It represents the upper Chakras; a band width I’ve been drawn to since coloring in my early childhood. I’ve never been a big fan of the lower Chakra color band though I’ve incorporated it for balance.

I come from a lineage of wanderers on both sides.  They wandered from Europe and Asia.  I’ve wandered across the country. We were not people that stayed put.  Adventure called and we said, “Yes!” Yet at this growing elder passage, there is an inner call for the place of completing earth time.  Perhaps I will still wander some in my chariot, yet ‘home’ is becoming of more import.

Though I do embrace the philosophy of being ‘on the earth,’ not ‘of the earth,’ while I’m here, I want to be in that place with which I feel the most bond.  Some physicality does dictate aspects of this, it is true. I only remember that when I’ve crossed the border into New Mexico, I’ve always gotten out and felt the Divine Feminine encircling me.  Flashbacks of other times there often abound. I’m in hopes she will embrace her prodigal daughter, this third time of returning.

If you trust yourself, you too, will find that ultimate place.  It will be seated in the depths of your soul and you will know then you are home. Faith will get you there.

“Life takes you unexpected places, love brings you home.”

“I left the light in my heart on in case you ever wanted to come home.”

“The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.”

“Home is not a place it’s a feeling.”

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