Monday, February 27, 2023



by Rev. Amari Magdalena

I was on a conference call today and someone mentioned being invisible as we age. I attributed that, in part, to youth culture focus and emphasis on looking eternally young.

It reminded me, however, of shamanic invisibility. It represents stepping down our energy field, purposively. This can be a very helpful tool if one ever feels in danger. One must slow down their energy vibration so as to be unnoticed.

There is another type of invisibility that I've become aware of in the saging process. I believe that our bodies become less dense, energetically, as we age. This has nothing to do with actual weight, it's about energy. As world things may be of less importance, this may contribute to not needing to be so "up front" in situations. We might call this the completion of the "I", "We", and "Us" compartments of life.

When the completion of the "Us" is upon us, our emphasis shifts. We may be less involved in the human, material life. Our etheric body is thinning as the buffer between the material and soul level. We may become luminous with halos like those depicted in Yeshua and his disciples. This shift is quite magical and no doubt part of the shift to the fifth dimension.

There is a similar corridor in babies and young children. I've often found that infants see colors and auras. They are aware of the energetic field around others and respond accordingly. If the baby perceives an energetic compatibility, smiles are exchanged. If not, cries and alarm are often expressed rather loudly.

I also find that children in the age of magic, used to be birth to about five, often have imaginary friends. Part and parcel of being in both worlds. Unfortunately, in today's electronically connected world young children are exposed to the overriding culture at younger and younger ages so their magic dissipates earlier.

We enter this earth lifetime through the Eastern gateway. Concurrently, we exit this lifetime through the same portal. This then suggests to me, that when we are in the waning years of our natural life, we'd be preparing for the return and thus available for magic and energetic invisibility. We come from light through a tunnel and leave through a tunnel returning to Light.

I find comfort in this natural process of lightening up, recognizing that it is also preparation for returning to the stars from which we came. Invisibility can be one of the most important factors in achieving freedom from the dramas of life. I also suspect that it is indeed the fifth dimensional state of being that many strive for. Ultimately invisibility helps us move away from the time and space continuum.

Perhaps a perfect example of more being less!

"I don't know why people are so keen to put the details of their private life in public; they forget that invisibility is a super power." _ Banksy

“It was a source of both terror and comfort to me then that I often seemed invisible — incompletely and minimally existent, in fact. It seemed to me that I made no impact on the world, and that in exchange I was privileged to watch it unawares.” ― Marilynne Robinson

“(Idea for a ghost story: a woman gets old and falls out of time and realizes that she’s become invisible.)” ― Emily St. John Mandel,

“Do you become in visible?' 'No. I'm there, if you know how to look. I stand between the place you look at and the place you see. Behind what you expect to see. If you expect to see me, you do. I listen in places where no one expects me to be.” ― Patricia A. McKillip