Thursday, May 30, 2019

Frustration: The Distant Cousin of Expectation

by Rev. Amari Magdalena

Frustration is defined as the prevention of a progress, success or the fulfillment of something. The last week has been personally very frustrating as I dealt with publishing my newest book.  I’d not used this publisher’s platform before (they shall remain unnamed).  Thinking I had finally mastered how to use it, I blithely ordered a proof copy of the book. No problem it seemed; everything looked fine. Progressed to the final step and hit the wall of rules!  It seems that while my proof copy was capable of printing on the spine; the finished copy could not as it required a certain minimum of pages. My tome was short 17 pages.

Frustration raised its irritable head while I fumed a bit and had multiple conversations with the publisher.  The plot thickened as, at one point, they mixed up the new book with an old one. My new book disappeared!  Almost in tears at this point, I had to retreat a bit an investigate why I was feeling this way.

And, then it struck me, Expectation!  How very often, knowingly or subliminally, we engage a process with the expectation that all will go well.  Often that supposition works rather well.  We able to manifest after our heart’s desire. Sometimes there is cosmic interference. When Plan A is thwarted frustration does a little hoochie-coochie dance with the expectation.  I suspect she was laughing at me rather gleefully.

After all the gesticulating, posturing, swearing, wringing of hands, and table pounding subside, one must deal with the limitation imposed. Took some time for me to blather out, “It is what it is.” In my plans, the one the Gods make fools of us over, I had perfect timing in mind.  The numbers all lined up beautifully.  Every step of the way, master numbers prevailed.

Oh, the cosmic joke of it all!  Humor is the only ultimate salvation when we get too far down the slippery slope of frustration.  That, or go over the edge.  And, then, one must assess their demands on the Universe and surrender to Universal timing. Ah, the letting go thing!  At some point in the scenario of our not getting what we expected, there comes a moment when we have to push off the edge in the current that is flowing  It may not be the direction we’d mapped out, though it is most definitely is the course this river is taking.

So this finds me at the eleventh hour waiting for the cosmic nod, knowing that it will most definitely come.  As always, there is a reason and usually it is for my highest good.  Pumping out another 18 pages, one extra just to spite them, I was able to add value at the direction of my inner muse. Ultimately, it is a better book for it.

Tomorrow, or the next day, or even next week, I will be guided to push the “publish” button with the confidence that it is the right time.  As I instruct in the book, I will stop breath holding and breathe deeply.  So next time frustration comes your way, perhaps you may draw a little wisdom from this tome and STOP! Trust the Universe; trust yourself.  When it is time, when we quite trying to paddle against the current, we free up flow and the Universe will carry us to the fulfillment of our dreams.

The Blue Iris represents hope whose wisdom I commit to follow now!

“At times it is folly to hasten, at other times, to delay. The wise do everything in its proper order.”  Ovid

"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion.  I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning to do afterward." Kurt Vonnegut

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