By Rev. Amari Magdalena
With so much belief in separation of our realities on the
planet, it seems appropriate to address our common link. This is a talk I very often share with
students and attendees at ceremonies and other events. It is true, that we came to this plane to
experience separation. The reasoning proffered
by some masters suggests the purpose of this is for soul’s growth. Some believe, as do I, that it is expanded to
include our soul group’s growth. The greater purpose is perhaps to appreciate Oneness.
I believe that the plan was that at some point, having
experienced the dichotomies of separation and learned from them, we would wake
up and master this human experience by walking deftly in both worlds. This has
been called The Great Forgetting and, subsequently, The Great Remembering.
So much of the media reminds us of the forgetting. That news can at times be daunting. Some
choose to tune it out for their sanity.
Others mourn such a separated, and sorry, state of being. Others choose
early checkout. Many throw up their hands in despair. Some say, “what the
hell” and participate wholly in the separation. The judgment as to the choice, is not ours to
rule on.
What is at stake here in all of this, is losing a planet and
the human experience. It matters not which
origin story you subscribe to, humans got here amidst a plethora of other
species. We are part of one kingdom. Others include the Mineral Kingdom, Plant
Kingdom, and the Animal Kingdoms. Divine plan was not for the Human Kingdom to
be superior to the others, rather a peaceful coexistence. As the Great
Forgetting took stronger hold, concepts of separation elevated the human kingdom
above the others. Man was deemed
superior to all life forms. That believe
was concretized in many religious dogmata. Also, it fed the ego: We’re Number One.”
Today many of us are acutely aware that an egoic posture
over nature and the other kingdoms is dooming the air we breathe and
contributing to an accelerated climate change moving towards crisis. We are
seeing loss of species, severe weather patterns, changing geography, and a
human doomsday clock ticking. The game of denial at the top of our own
government is placing us at greater and greater risk.
The question becomes, are we the last generations to experience
this good earth? Will we hand off a
decimated planet that is uninhabitable.
Do we close our eyes tightly against starving and dying polar bears? Against
caged children? Famine? Violence? Is our theme song, “la de dah?”
Science is proving daily that all kingdoms on earth are
sentient beings. We respond to one another energetically and it’s either thrive
or descend into oblivion. Water experiments demonstrate capacity for memory.
Even what we may deem as inanimate objects respond to energies.
It is my firm belief that animate and inanimate objects on
this earth are ALL made of the same essence; our difference is form. If we were to take that a step further, and
accept that we all came from the same source, then how is it possible that one
object is more important than another?
is the grand illusion. We are indeed all interrelated structures participating
in a reality we call life.
wrote years ago: “For all we touch
bears us; and all that touches us we bear.
And, we are either full harvests or famines of our own delusion.” Beyond the
Great Remembering, we are now called to The Great Awakening. Let us move
forward each day with absolute cognizance of our interconnectedness,
thoughtfully, purposefully, and respectfully. Let every day be lived with grace
and gratitude. Walk carefully. All the
ancestors, of each kingdom, are beneath us.
“In the final analysis, our most common link, is that we
all inhabit this small planet. We all
breathe the same air. We all cherish our
children’s future and we are all mortal.” JFK
"...the care of the earth is our most ancient and most worthy and, after all, our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it, and to foster its renewal, is our only legitimate hope." Wendell Berry
"The rule of no realm is mine, neither of Gondor nor any other great or small. But all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, those are my care. And for my part, I shall not wholly fail of my task, though Gondor should perish, if anything passes through this night that can still grow fair or bear fruit and flower again in days to come. For I also am a steward. Did you now know?" J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King